Wypur species guide

Wypur's are a CLOSED cat-like fursona species. Every Wyper has different traits but a Wyper will always have; two sets of ears, scales, horns, tail spikes and a cat-like build. Wypers can have extra traits such as; Wings, longer claws, different horn shapes aswell as coming in a variety of natural and unnatural colors.

Wypur Lore

No one knows the true story of the origins of the Wypur's. But if you were given the chance to ask any Wypur, you’ll get one of two stories depending on how truthful they feel like being at the moment. Those answers range from that they're definitely Wyverns or that they're the descendants of Wyverns at the very least.

Wypur Behavior

Solitary or Pack Animals?
Being a mix of cats and dragons (neither of which are known to be anything other than solitary creatures). You would be right in any assumption, most are solitary but with the sizable number that live with others I would have to consider them pack animals.
Most but not all Wypur's are solitary, and will remain that way their entire life. Keeping their longer lifespans in mind being around others isn’t something they take lightly, especially when it comes to living with other species.In harsher climates pairs of Wypur's become commonplace, typically a mated pair but that isn’t always the case, siblings or friends will also regularly stick by one another.Small groups of 10-20 can be found, but they’re extremely guarded and non sociable. Due to this fact little is known about these groups.Larger almost tribe-like groups are dotted around the globe, occasionally reaching numbers of 100+. Each tribe is distinct, having their own legends, customs and rules they follow. Every Wypur can be traced back to one of these tribes.

All wypurs are carnivores with a particular taste for fish. A small portion of them are omnivores but even then their diet consists of more meat than plants.

Dragon like behavior:
-Love of the sky
Higher Chance:

Dragon Capabilities:
(All have these unless stated otherwise)
Wypurs have a form of super strength. having superior strength in all aspects as well as an easier time building muscle.Some have the ability to breathe fire although it’s uncommon to have any proficiency in it.Superior night vision, even than that of cats.Short distance flight capabilities, without a need for any rest. (if they have wings)Resistance to most poisons, extreme weather & to a weaker degree fire.They also have the capability to hold their breath for much longer, because of their superior lungs built for flight.

Wyper Appearance

Common: Small, Stubby horns
Un-Common: Tall, sharp horns
Rare: Long, curved horns
Legendary: Curly, ram-like horns
Common:Normal cat tail
Un-Common: Longer cat tail
Rare: Bob tail
Legendary: Wyvern tail
Common: Fluffy fur
Un-Common: Less scales, Longer claws
Rare: Extra spikes/horns, Extra scales
Legendary: Wings, Black sclera
Common: Normal
Un-Common: Smaller than normal, Bigger than normal
Rare: Tiny
Legendary: Massive
Common: Normal cat colors
Un-Common: Any color
Legendary: Albino
Common: Produce smoke, Super strength
Un-Common: Produce small flames
Rare: Full fire breathing
Legendary: Blue fire(10x hotter than normal)

How to obtain a Wypur of you're own?

As I metaioned at the start, Wypur's are a CLOSED SPECIES. That means you are not allowed to make you're own Wyper oc if you dont have our permisson. Right now, the only way to obtian a Wyper is through costoms or adopts made by me(Reality.bean) or Definereply.Credit to this species goes to Definereply

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